DEBM Diet Guide, How To Lose Weight Fast Without Hunger

The DEBM diet is a diet method that is believed to be effective in losing weight in a short time without having to hold back hunger. Before you practice it, let's get to know more about this DEBM diet.

The DEBM (Happy and Enjoyable Diet) was first popularized by Robert Hendrik Liembono through his diet guide in 2018. Similar to the Atkins diet and the ketogenic diet, the DEBM diet also reduces carbohydrate and sugar intake, and increases protein and fat intake.

Although the effectiveness of the DEBM diet method itself has not been supported by strong research results, the low-carb diet method has indeed been proven effective for weight loss. In fact, some studies show that a low-carb diet is more effective than a low-fat diet.

DEBM Diet General Guidelines

Our bodies use carbohydrates from food as the main source of energy. However, excess carbohydrates can be stored as fat, either in the form of fat under the skin or attached to internal organs.

With a low-carb diet that is also low in calories, the body is forced to break down fat as an energy reserve. As fat deposits in the body decrease, weight will slowly fall.

As the name implies, this diet is quite fun and not burdensome, because you are allowed to eat delicious food without the need to hold back hunger. The DEBM diet also doesn't require you to exercise, let alone take certain medications.

Even so, there are rules for the type of food that you must follow on the DEBM diet, namely the food must be low in carbohydrates, high in protein, high in fat, and low in sugar.

Here are general guidelines for the DEBM diet that you need to follow:

  • Must have breakfast with high protein foods.
  • Lunch and dinner with animal protein sources.
  • Must drink 3 glasses of water at 9 am and 3 pm. Outside these hours, you are of course allowed to drink.
  • Drink tea, coffee, or sparkling water without creamer or sugar.
  • Dinner no later than 6pm.
  • If you are hungry after 6 pm, you should only eat animal protein sources without carbohydrates.
  • You can use oil and salt to process food, but without sugar and flour.
  • Always include food sources of animal protein, such as eggs, fish, cheese, meat, at every meal.

In addition to the general guidelines above, the DEBM diet also has eating rules that must be followed, including foods that can be eaten, foods that should not be eaten, and how to eat them.

DEBM Diet Eating Rules

Here are the rules for every meal according to the DEBM diet book:

1. Breakfast rules

In the DEBM diet, you should avoid breakfast that contains carbohydrates, such as any kind of rice, noodles, bread, drinks with sugar, or chicken porridge. At breakfast, you are advised to replace carbohydrates into protein, so that your total intake is more in the form of protein.

In addition, you are also advised to consume lots of healthy fats and fiber. With this proportion of eating, your appetite will be more controlled. The energy produced will be more and not become fat. Some breakfast menu choices that you can try are:

  • Boiled eggs
  • Cheese omelette
  • Avocado Cheese
  • Low sugar yogurt
  • High protein milk
  • High-fiber vegetables, such as carrots and chickpeas

2. Lunch rules

Here are the rules for lunch while on the DEBM diet:

  • Replace rice with vegetables, such as chickpeas, carrots, or leafy greens.
  • Start your lunch with animal protein, for example 1 hard-boiled egg/cheese/milk protein, so you can control your appetite and don't overeat.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Eat only animal protein sources, such as beef, chicken, or fish, if you don't like vegetables.

3. Dinner rules

Different from most types of diets that forbid you to eat dinner. In the DEBM diet, you are actually required to eat dinner. If you're not hungry, you should still eat by following these rules:

  • Eat animal protein with carbohydrate foods that are okay to eat, such as broccoli, spinach, or carrots.
  • Eat no carbs at all if you eat after 6pm. Choose foods such as avocado, cheese, goat satay (without soy sauce and rice cake), fish, or eggs.

4. Snack

Snacks in the DEBM diet are also an important part. The goal is to increase metabolism so that the body will burn more calories and to control appetite at lunch and dinner.

However, you need to limit snacks to 750 calories per day divided into 3 meals, 250 calories each. For example, snacking between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner, and at night.

Examples of snack choices that contain 100–150 calories, are high in protein, fiber, and fat are:

  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 fried egg
  • 100 grams of avocado cheese
  • 125 ml full cream milk once a day
  • Grains, such as sunflower seeds
  • 1–2 medium apples
  • Strawberries and yogurt

Although claimed to be effective in losing weight, the DEBM diet may not be suitable for people with certain medical conditions, such as chronic kidney failure. In addition, some people who follow a low-carb diet may experience side effects such as constipation, headaches, and muscle cramps.

If you choose to follow a low-carb diet, such as the DEBM diet, pay attention to the fat and protein intake you choose. Limit foods that are high in saturated fat and trans fat, such as foods deep-fried in oil.

To be on the safe side, it's best if you consult with your doctor before starting the DEBM diet or any diet to lose weight, especially if you have certain medical conditions.

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